Benefit Corporation

Sharing values means sharing well-being.

We chose to become a Benefit Corporation because our dream is to create a better world by helping businesses: a world where people are better off and society can flourish.

Our objective is shared social benefit, and our chosen vehicle is companies, made up of people and led by entrepreneurs who pour their passion, heart and values into their creations. In our small way, we are striving to give companies new momentum and strength, allowing this dream to become even bigger and more powerful.

Our approach to business growth is based on a particular vision. We see a company as a group of people who, when they really fulfil their potential, typically by doing what comes most naturally, are able to bring the company to new heights that not even the entrepreneur could have imagined.

Only through the evolution of these beautiful “social entities” known as companies can we create a healthy environment for the next generations: the only future that really matters!

A choice that comes from the heart

Being a Benefit Corporation means living according to our values, which has had an extraordinary and revelatory impact on our entire business management philosophy.

At Amajor, this “sustainable spirit”, this constant search for shared benefit, is an innate part of who we are and is evident in all our decisions, from our strategies to our choice of employees and partners, right through to the wonderful companies we work with.

Supporting them and our people, as well as the society in which we live and work, benefits us all.

We whole-heartedly believe in our values, which is why we are so proud to be a Benefit Corporation!

Impact Report 2017

Impact Report 2018

Impact Report 2019

Impact Report 2020

Impact Report 2021

Impact Report 2022

Impact Report 2023

Let's plan your business organisation together

Helping companies to grow and evolve in a healthy and stable way is Amajor’s core priority, at the heart of everything we do.


Principles, values and sustainable growth rooted in respect for all, from individuals to the company itself, in order to create an environment in which people find a natural sense of belonging and are driven to grow and reach their full potential.


An organisation that does not depend on a single individual, is capable of generating its own success, able to grow independently, and can tap into the skills and strengths necessary for sustainable development, or develop them where needed.

Amajor helps entrepreneurs and their companies to effectively develop and grow their activities, with a goal of creating sustainable, lasting and inclusive economic growth, weaving sustainability into any type of value creation.

Amajor For Future

A bridge to connect young people and companies based on shared VALUES and common DREAMS: two worlds collide to unleash boundless potential!

Establishing an effective dialogue with young people is essential for companies who want to make a difference, building their own growth strategy on well-being and shared values.

On this basis, we decided to launch the Amajor for Future project in order to facilitate real interactions between the latest generations and the current entrepreneurial landscape.

It’s time to reverse the paradigm that has young people feeling trapped, struggling to find their ideal role and achieve professional growth: Amajor for Future is here to help!

With Amajor for Future, we want to offer companies concrete tools to best involve young talent in their business plans.

Eros – CEO

The project

The first step was the creation of specific digital software based on precise mathematical algorithms, designed to analyse the work habits of the latest generations. The Amajor R&D department began designing this tool in 2020, and it was then optimised over two and a half years of trials: presenting the Young Questionnaire.

The Young Questionnaire is actually just one of our useful and valuable tools: we have also started highly practical interactive workshops, spanning one or more days; long-term opportunities like our Academies, dedicated to team leaders and teachers; and a collaboration with Junior Achievement Veneto.

Valuable tools for designing the future

People are starting to understand that their personal values and purpose can and should align with the values and vision of their workplace. Values and purpose are in fact the fundamental building blocks for work and life plans, helping us to feel satisfied and accomplished as people first and professionals second!

Naturally, teachers play a crucial role. With Amajor for Future, we help them understand how they can foster young people’s potential, focusing on the values that will shape each individual’s professional life and educational path.

They will acquire valuable tools, understand their importance, and learn a particular approach to help children to grasp the deeper meaning of their actions and experiences.

It all starts with shared values and dreams

Amajor For Future’s main goal is to create a fertile and prosperous common ground for young people and businesses to engage in discussions, founded on shared values, goals and visions.

In addition to numerous schools, we therefore set out to actively involve a range of companies. These businesses all want to be an integral part of an ecosystem that places people, their greatest strength, at the core.

Entrepreneurs and young people can make the most of the opportunity to talk to each other, establishing the true value that makes a company attractive, as well as the crucial role of young talent as a development tool in business expansion plans.

The main objectives that drive Amajor for Future

Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to share their stories, their paths, and the history of their companies, engaging with young talent on an authentic level to have a real impact.

The students will come to understand how their personal qualities, passions and desires can be valuable within a business, and how they can embark on a path towards professional and personal fulfilment, inspired by the companies’ visions and dreams.

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dedicated to the project for free in the last year