Amajor's questionnaire: a valuable tool to help grow your business!

People-focus as a critical component for growing your business

We all of us have  extraordinary potential!

This is what, in life, often drives us to give of our best, going beyond our limits and achieving incredible results.

Sometimes, however, we hold back, losing sight of our dreams. Yet what you don’t see, in these cases, is that your potential is actually still there, it never goes away!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if only you possessed a tool to help you understand where these limits are, how they block you? A tool not only for you, but also for the people who are part of your organisation?

The Amajor questionnaire does exactly that!

Get closer to achieving your entrepreneurial dream

You, the entrepreneur, on track 1000% towards your goal. And, along with you, also the people you choose to have by your side!

In Amajor, people are always right at the centre. Understanding what are presently the defining characteristics of the people who make up your company, in fact, allows you to obtain lots of data and come up with many winning ideas.

The Amajor questionnaire is a tool  that provides a way to express the true potential of each one. Because it is by working all together that the dream can be realised!

Having aligned values enables you to fully express your strength, your incredible potential.

Yes, and that of the people you choose to have by your side on the journey towards your entrepreneurial dream!
– Amajor

The solutions the Amajor questionnaire offers

Thanks to the questionnaire, as an entrepreneur you will obtain a deep understanding of yourself and the other people in the company, to get you working once more at full speed towards your goal!

In the face of specific difficulties, the questionnaire tells us where and why we are failing to obtain results and overcome obstacles; meantime, when results are good, it helps us understand where to intervene and what we can enhance to improve our performance even more. So, in effect, the questionnaire shows us how best to improve, and enables us to see clearly how to do it! With the aim of significantly accelerating the growth of your business.

This is one of the reasons why the questionnaire can be considered a dynamic tool, because of its multiplicity of uses.

In fact, it helps us to understand whether a person can represent a solution for our company, solving difficulties or bridging certain gaps.

While the questionnaire dedicated specifically to the owner shows us, in a simple and extremely clear manner, how the entrepreneur is managing their business today, highlighting the dynamics within the company itself and the habits that they display in managing operations.

An important ally for value alignment

To explain more fully, understanding the questionnaire raises another fundamental issue: adapting too much to the environment often means persisting with practices that are actually less effective when it comes to achieving potential. When this applies to a large part of the habits analysed, it means that the person is becoming so accustomed to an environment that is very different, alien even, that they become prone to falling out of alignment with their true self.

Precisely for this reason, the Amajor questionnaire is also a precious tool for measuring value alignment: the more strength of habit a person has, the more they are also expressing their strength, their potential! Where this is not the case, however, they will find it more difficult to truly achieve their full potential, sometimes tending to accept to too many compromises.

Hence the importance of a tool like the Amajor questionnaire, which we can use in internal analyses to understand how to improve and develop team members, as well as during personnel selection, to assist during the interview process.

Accelerate your business growth: start with people!
Start with the most important and valuable tool: the Amajor questionnaire.

– Amajor

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