HR tools for your business

Make your company strong and cohesive to face and overcome future challenges.

We support and accelerate your company’s development through training designed specifically to help its people grow.

We design a customised training strategy, interpreting your requirements and business objectives. The training is structured for the dual purpose of supporting your business plan and developing your colleagues.

Amajor offers a wide range of training: from academic studies with the Accademia RMA, to a selection of business courses, all with concrete results and tools for immediate use within your company.

Think of your company as an orchestra made up of a whole range of instruments in harmony… And you’ll hear the music! – Amajor

How we can help businesses

Your company will grow steadily and continuously if it’s made up of people in harmony, who reach their full potential every day. That’s how it can develop as a cohesive entity, capable of having a huge impact not only on the market but on society as a whole. Whilst running the business is aimed at the present, development looks towards the future. A future just waiting to be built. We can help you make it better and stronger with our training, which will allow you to develop the human resources within your company and use them to their full potential to take the bull by the horns and embrace the changes and challenges to come.

The value of human resources

The people within your company are the driving force that can make it grow healthy and productive, accelerating its development concretely. Amajor’s training is designed specifically to enable them to restore their inner strength, that motivation that drives them every day to work with satisfaction and pleasure. That’s why our training strategies always place people at their heart. We focus particularly on soft skills, which today play a key role in changing your company. Alongside our actual individual skills, or hard skills, they are extremely powerful, as they enable us to form those operational habits that, if honed to become for all intents and purposes spontaneous, provide your company with that springboard for future growth.

Corso scelta persone completo

Il corso, dedicato nello specifico a chi si occupa di HR all’interno di organizzazioni strutturate, ti aiuterà a scegliere le persone giuste per la crescita ...
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Corso questionario Amajor

Un vero libretto di istruzioni sul prezioso strumento del questionario che ti spiegherà in che modo puoi utilizzarlo all’interno della tua organizzazione in maniera efficace ...
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Corso inserimento nuove persone

Ottieni tutti gli strumenti per un corretto inserimento delle persone all’interno della tua azienda, uno degli investimenti più importanti per lo sviluppo della tua impresa.
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Conquer future challenges with our HR tools for your company